ઝુકાવી મે તો, Naiya
Jhukavi Lyrics ગુજરાતીમા, This
Gujarati prayer bhajan talks about the nature of man in today's times. People
today have become selfish. The distinction between sin and virtue is forgotten.
But, O God, I lay down my life for you. Keep me away from these baddies.
Naiya Jukavi Gujarati prayer Lyrics is sung daily by the
students in the school college. So that good qualities develop in their
behavior and disposition and become good citizens
નૈયા ઝુકાવી મે તો, Naiya Jhukavi Lyrics in Gujarati, Prathana Bhajan
Gujarati Prayer Bhajan Lyrics
Naiya Jukavi Gujarati prayer Lyrics in English
Naiya Jukavi Meto Ju Je Dubi Jaay Na
Naiya Jukavi Meto Ju Je Dubi Jaay Na
Jaakho Jaakho Divo Maaro Jo Je Re Bujaay
Jaakho Jaakho Divo Maaro Jo Je Re Bujaay
Swaarth Nu Sangit Chaare Kor Baaje
Koi Nu Koi Nathi Duniya Ma Aaje
Tan No Tamburo Jo Je Besuro Thaay Na
Jaakho Jaakho Divo Maaro Jo Je Re Bujaay
Paap Ne Punya Na Bhed Re Bhulaata
Raag Ne Dwesh Aaje Ghat Ghat Ghuntaata
Jo Je Aa Jivtar Ma Zer Prasraay Na
Jaakho Jaakho Divo Maaro Jo Je Re Bujaay
Shradhdha Na Divadaa Ne Jalato J Rakakhaje
Nisdin Sneh Keru Tel Ema Naakh Je
Man Na Mandire Jo Je Andhaaru Thaay Na
Jaakho Jaakho Divo Maaro Jo Je Re Bujaay